About JimRode, Travel Photographer and Artist

About JimRode of FridayNightArt
Jim Rode (JimRode) is the artist who created Friday Night Art. Through his travel photography, Jim creates ink fusion art on sheets of aluminum and canvas art for your wall decor.
Jim is married and lives in Oklahoma City. He is a writer, blogger, photographer and artist using both canvas and metal.
For decades he created fine art weddings for people in love who sought out art for their wedding day. In 2017, Jim began to dedicate himself to projects that followed a deeper path in the art world creating images for his FridayNightArt Collection.
For many years Jim has experimented with inks on canvas and ink-to-plastic process onto metal, to create metal fusion art. Walking the land and cities, Jim captures images from his travels. "Working by memory always leaves too much out for me!" From the photography media, Jim works with inks to capture his art and apply to watercolor papers, canvas, and ink fused aluminum for your office and home wall display. "Working with metal is very exciting. I apply the inked image to mylar and combine it to buffed aluminum. And then like a baker making his bread, the mylar on metal is heated to 400º. I am thrilled when the finished metal print cools and the inks are infused to the metal, colors just jump!"
Jim's work is currently displayed at The LiftOKC Street Art Gallery in Oklahoma City and is available for acquisition Sales Gallery.
"In Love and Art, You Live Forever." Jim Rode
Follow him on Facebook - Friday Night Art and Instagram
Member of OVAC, the Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition.