I made an iPhone shot of Meeting the Fans at St. Joseph the Old Cathedral, after a church service. Later, I recreated it as an ink media printed on paper.
The priest is talking with the church faithful. This is the church where the rectory was damaged and the church windows were blown in by a terrorist attack on the Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City (the Oklahoma City Memorial). The restoration is inspiring as you sit quietly during services. Your eye roams everywhere.
Where the rectory stood, the Diocese paid for and installed a statue of Jesus. "And Jesus Wept" A daycare with children was located in the building. The blast killed 168 people including 19 children in the daycare.
To read more about the statue, Click http://blog.jimrode.com/blog-homepage-for-artist-jim-rode-friday-night-art/and-jesus-wept
Meeting the Fans: Father talks with parishioners after mass.
St. Joseph the Old Cathedral
307 NW 4th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73102