This painting Orchard in Winter no. 7, is an ink infused aluminum metal print from Jim Rode and OKC artist.
It depicts a pecan orchard dormant in winter in the Rio Grande Valley, about 10 miles north of the border. It has blueish tones contrasting with the grasses. The tree branches take on a tone of color from the sky.
There are currently two available for acquisition, one is a 30x40 at $3390, and a 20x30 at $2690.
This art is created with an ink-emulsion process and baked to a sheet of buffed aluminum at approximately 400º to infuse the art to the metal. The ink-infusion process should last 100 years or more although testing is not sufficient to estimate it's actual lifespan. With care to not display in sunlight, there is little reason to believe it will not last indefinitely. Contact for acquisition and delivery information.
#FridayNightArt #RioGrandeValley #InkFused-Art #pecanorchard #OklahomaArtist #JimRode