Gatekeeper - Guardian at the Cattle Gate - ink fusion art by artist JimRode
The Gatekeeper - Ink fusion wall art by JimRode.
The Art
A wind turbine stands close to the cattle guard and gate near a hill in Ardmore, Oklahoma. While the cattle shelter the hot sun under trees in a small ravine, the turbine watches over the access to the rancher's land.
For all the cattle know, the Gatekeeper is a real being. Doing duty like a scarecrow standing in a corn field. But, Scarecrows are a lesser being. The turbine at least, waves its arms in a bid for attention. "Hey, over here," it shouts. At least, that's what the cows think. I know, I've asked them.
Gatekeeper is an ink fusion on aluminum, 20x30 inches in size. I've used six colors here and they are archival inks that are fused to metal via a mylar print. This plastic-like image is then burnt into the aluminum at approximately 400º so that the inks become infused to the metal. After creating this piece, a box hanger is attached to the rear with an epoxy so that it arrives to your collection ready for wall display.
Gatekeeper by Jim Rode of Friday Night Art
Jim Rode’s FridayNightArt is a listed member of the Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition (OVAC)
To see artist Jim Rode’s Artist Statement and Bio at OVAC, go to