Pilot Boat Terminal Maritima Puerto Vallarta, an ink fusion by artist JimRode
Friday Night Art is in the Terminal Marítima in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
The Art
This art piece is an absolute stunner! It adds tons of color and detail to the wall. Diagonal lines made by the moored ocean liner dominate the scene. Of course the star of the art is the pilot boat. I love seeing the shadows cast by the powerful security lights that bath the terminal and boat for its security.
I created this ink fusion on a buffed sheet of aluminum. It is approximately 20x30 in size. I began with an ink on mylar. I prepared the aluminum with a base coat of white to make the finished piece pop. The mylar is baked at 400º fusing the inks into the porous aluminum. I would guess it would last a 100 years if not hung in direct sunlight. Write on the back which child gets it haha! It will outlive you!
Jim Rode’s FridayNightArt is a listed member of the Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition (OVAC)
To see artist Jim Rode’s Artist Statement and Bio at OVAC, go to https://www.ovac-ok.org/art/Jim-Rode